The monthly meeting of the Vandergrift Sportsman’s Association was held on Tuesday February 11, 2024. at 7:00 PM, presided over by President Jim Waltenbaugh. There were 18 members present. The meeting was opened with the “Pledge of Allegiance”. The minutes of the January 14, 2025 meeting were passed out to all members present. A motion to accept the minutes as written was made by Joe Ferguson and seconded by Frank Gray. The motion was passed by voice vote. The treasure’s report was passed out to all members present. A motion to accept the treasure’s report as written was made by Frank Gray and seconded by Joseph Ferguson. The motion was passed by voice vote.
Joseph Ferguson looked into the recent request to lease/sell the mineral rights on club property. Jim Waltenbaugh decided this subject will be discussed at the first officers/directors meeting to be held in April.
Frances Gray Sr. reported on his efforts to have the club parking lot light converted to an LED light. After a brief discussion it was decided that Frances will continue to acquire pricing from West Penn Power for the project. Joseph Ferguson volunteered to check into any requirements from Washington Twp. on the installation of outside parking lot lights.
No Report
Larry Laurenti updated the members on the repair on the entrance gate.
No Report
Larry Laurenti noted that the 3D targets have been removed from the archery range. At this point the archery range is open for use on a limited basis until spring.
There was no activity on the trap range during the month of January
5-Stand Report
5-Stand remains closed for the winter.
Frank Gray has requested the date of August 2, 2025 for our annual Youth Day. He is awaiting approval of that date from the NRA.
Debbie Becker noted that the 2025 membership is currently full at 700 members.
Ron Henry has been working with Jim Lewis on the process for applying for NRA grant money. All suggestions for NRA Grants are to be brought to Ron’s attention.
Review of bills to be paid
Larry Laurenti presented a list of outstanding bills. A motion to pay the bills was made by R.J. Huth & seconded by Terry Huth
The motion passed by voice vote.
The raffle was won by R. J. Hunt. He won $xx.00 and donated it to the club Youth Day account.
A motion for adjournment was made by R.J. Huth, seconded by Terry Huth & passed by voice vote.
Minutes submitted by:
Larry Laurenti
Vandergrift Sportsmen’s Association, Inc.
December 10, 2024
The monthly meeting was held on Tuesday December 10, 2024, at 7:00pm. Presided over by President Jim Waltenbaugh. There were 27 members present. Meeting opened with the “Pledge of Allegiance.” The minutes from the November meeting were passed out to all members present.
A motion to accept the minutes as read was made by Joe Ferguson and seconded by Frank Gray. The motion was passed by voice vote.
The treasures report was passed out to all members present. A motion to accept the treasures report as read was made by Frank Gray and seconded by Terry Huth.
Francis Gray Talked about meeting with West Penn Power about a light.Joe Ferguson repaired the heater at the trap range. Damage was caused by mice. He charged only for materials $235.00. THANK YOU, Joe.
Neil Jankosky gave a report on the new garage. The permit was received. The building was delivered on Nov. 25 and built on Nov. 26 and 27. Inspections were made and approved. Next is getting electrical and cement work done weather permitting.
Larry Laurenti said there was a problem with the key pads freezing up at the gate.Also, codes will be changed at the first of the year, and both codes will be good for about two weeks.
Larry put a new back board at the 50yd. range. Also stated that we need to design a roof for the back board because the rain warps them. Reminded everyone to please put old targets and trash in the dumpster and not in the brass cans.
Larry stated range is OK and the silhouettes will be taken down soon.
Larry reported for Steve Milicic. The trap is broken and we are trying to find someone to repair it.
Jim Troiano Reported the 5-Stand is closed for the season. He gave $2000.00 to the treasurer and has a starting balance for next year of $270.
No Report
No Report
Debbie Becker reported approximately 120 Renewals are still out. And that orientation for new members would be Jan. 4 or 5.
Members saw a video of the accidental discharge at the trap range to see if anyone recognized who the people were. There was discussion about safety and the need to inform the officers if anyone has an accidental shooting.
Frank Gray gave a report on sight in days. We had 28 members and 17 non-members shoot a total of 58 firearms in the 3 Sundays. Helpers helped many people with bore sighting and fine tuning their guns. There was good food and good times for all.
Randy McDevitt won $20.00 and donated it to Youth Day.
A motion to pay the bills was made by Francis Gray and seconded by RJ Huth. The motion passed by voice vote.
A motion for adjournment was made by RJ Huth and seconded by Butch Schrecengost. The motion was passed by voice vote.
Minutes submitted by: Neil Jankosky
![]() Vandergrift Sportsmen Association November Newsletter Important Dates Nov. 12 7:00pm. Monthly Meeting Nov. 14 Swat Night Training. Ranges will be closed from 2:00 pm. to 10:00 pm. Every Wednesday: Trap opens 1:30pm. and 5-Stand opens at 3:30pm. 5-Stand will be closing for the season Oct. 30 5- Stand will reopen in April | Upcoming Events | CLUB NEWS2025 | Jim Troiano is looking for people to help with the 5-Stand.Anyone interested please contact: Jim Troiano at: 724-681-7059 | HUNTING SEASON IS HEREEveryone have a safe and enjoyable season |
Vandergrift Sportsmen’s Association Inc.
September 10, 2024
The monthly meeting of the Vandergrift Sportsmens Association was held on Tuesday September 10, 2024. at
7:00 PM, presided over by President Jim Waltenbaugh. There were 13 members present. The meeting was
opened with the “Pledge of Allegiance”. The minutes of the August meeting were passed out to all members
present. A motion to accept the minutes as written was made by Neil Jankosky and seconded by Steve Milcic.
The motion was passed by voice vote. The treasure’s report was passed out to all members present. A
motion to accept the treasure’s report as written was made by Frank Gray and seconded by Frances Gray Sr.
The motion was passed by voice vote.
Neil Jankowski ask members present if there were any issues or concerns on the Mail Chimp mailings being
sent to members. Bob Matteo said he was ask recently by a member if other things like advertisements could
be included in the emails. Jim Waltenbaugh stated the request will be discussed at the quarterly officers
meeting in October.
No Report
Jim Waltenbaugh stated that the club has received a request form the member that is cutting the club grass
for an increase in payment for this service. He is asking the payment for one cutting be increased from $75.00
to $150.00.
After a brief discussion it was decided to bring this request in front of the club Board of Directors at the Board
meeting on October 24 th . Larry Laurenti will contact the member cutting the club grass and inform him of this
decision. Larry will alert Jim of this person’s response.
No Report
Larry Laurenti noted that the archery range has seen an increase of activity recently. The main target is
seeing a lot of activity and the woods course is also getting usage. A large cherry tree fell on the woods
course and has been removed. Larry also stated a new crossbow target has been purchased for the main
target area and will be put out this week. Larry is also going to try and put a couple 3D targets on the woods
Steve Milcic reported on the August activity at the trap range.
5-Stand Report
Jim Troiano reported on the 5-Stand August activity. Jim noted that one of the trap machines is out for
repair. We are currently using a spare unit in its place.
Frank Gray did an inventory on ammunition available for next year’s youth day. Frank noted that there is an
ample supply of 22 shells and 410 shotgun shells. 20 gauge shotgun shells will need to be purchased. The
question of applying for a grant from the NRA for this was discussed. The procedure for NRA grant
application will be reviewed.
No Report
Neil Jankosky gave an update on the new garage project.
Nomination of club officers for 2025 was discussed. Jim Waltenbaugh stated that he has received a notice
from the current secretary that they will be no longer serving in that position in 2025.
Basically all positions for club officers and Directors are open for nominations at this time. It was suggested
that an email be sent to all members noting this. Neil Jankosky will draft an email to be sent to the
membership. After review and approval by Jim Waltenbaugh the email will be sent to the membership.
The 50/50 raffle was won by Neil Jankosky. He won $X.XX and donated it to the club general account.
A list of outstanding bills was presented.
A motion to pay the bills was made by Frank Gray seconded by Jim
Wigle and passed by voice vote.
A motion for adjournment was made by Jim Wigle, seconded by Neil Jankosky & passed by voice vote.
Minutes submitted by:
Larry Laurenti
Vandergrift Sportsmen’s Association, Inc. August 13, 2024
The monthly meeting was held on Tuesday, August 13, 2024, at 7:00 PM, presided over by President Jim Waltenbaugh There were 18 members present. The meeting opened with the “Pledge of Allegiance.”
The minutes from the July meeting were passed out to all members present. A motion to accept the minutes as read was made by Butch Schreckengost and seconded by Steve Milicic. The motion was passed by voice vote.
The treasure’s report was passed out to all members present. A motion to accept the treasurer’s report as read was made by Frank Gray and seconded by Jim Wigle The motion passed by voice vote.
Neil Jankosky gave an update on Mail Chimp.
No Report
No Report
Terry Huth, Ray Huth, Richard Catchpole, and Butch Schreckengost –
Larry Laurenti stated that the archery range is up and running.
Steve Milicic stated that there was an opening balance of $xxxxx. There were 52 lines shot. The income was $xxxxx Expenses were $0.00. That leaves an ending balance of $xxxxx.
Jim Troiano reported an opening balance of $xxxxx. There were 63 lines shot. The income was $xxxxx. Expenses were $ 0.00. Leaving an ending balance $1,511.00
Frank Gray wanted to thank all the volunteers for their help on set up day and Youth Day, He also stated there was 51 youth and the cost for the day was $4,912.81
No Report
Debbie Becker wanted to thank everyone for the donations to the Shriners.
Neil Jankosky stated he could share the clubs events with Washington Township and they will put it on their monthly newsletter.Neil Jankosky gave a report on the cost of the new building.
The building is $28,274.00.
The following prices are estimates:
Concrete $8,000.00;
Electrical $2,000.00;
Dry Wells $2,000.00;
Permits $2,000.00;
Engineering fees $3,000.00
for an estimated cost of $50,000.00.
A motion to get the new building started was made by Frank Gray and seconded by Geff Spiering.The motion passed by voice vote.
Francis Gray stated that he spoke with West Penn Power about getting a led light to replace the existing cut to dawn light. They said that they will get back to him after the first of the year.
The raffle was won by Debbie Becker. She won $xxxxx.Frank Gray won a Dairy Queen gift card.
A motion to pay the bills was made by Frank Gray and seconded by Jim Troiano. The motion passed by voice vote.
A motion for adjournment was made by Francis Gray and seconded by Jim Wigle. The motion passed by voice vote.
Minutes submitted by:
Geff Spiering
Vandergrift Sportsmen’s Association, Inc.
June 11, 2024
The monthly meeting was held on Tuesday, June 11, 2024, at 7:00 PM, presided over by President Jim Waltenbaugh.
There were 22 members present.
The meeting opened with the “Pledge of Allegiance.”
The minutes from the May meeting were passed out to all members present.
A motion to accept the minutes as read was made by Francis Gray and seconded by Jim Wigle.
The motion was passed by voice vote.
The treasurer’s report was passed out to all members present.
A motion to accept the treasurer’s report as read was made by Frank Gray and seconded by Bob Matteo
The motion passed by voice vote.
Neil Jankosky gave an update on mail chimp stating that the cost will be $22.50 a month.
No Report
Jim Troiano stated that the grass needs maintained better at the trap and five stand.
Terry Huth, Ray Huth, Richard Catchpole, and Butch Schreckengost –
Larry Laurenti stated that he and a club member started to do some work on the woods part of the archery range.
Steve Milicic stated there was an opening balance of $xxxxx There were 109 lines shot. The income was xxxxx Expenses were $0.00. That leaves an ending balance of xxxxx.
Steve also stated he gave the treasurer xxxxx leaving the closing balance of xxxxx
Jim Troiano reported a balance of xxxxx Expenses were $ 0.00. There were 75 lines shot. The income was $xxxxx Leaving an ending balance xxxxx
Frank Gray stated that there are 15 youth signed up for Youth Day and that he is still looking for volunteers.
No Report
Debbie Becker stated that Deanna Fritz would like to take over her father’s membership.
A motion was made by Chuck DeSabato to let Deanna Fritz have her father’s place in the clubs membership. Bob Matteo seconded the motion.
The motion passed by voice vote.
Frank Gray stated the club has a paper shredder and that he has been shredding the old files.
Jim Troiano stated the new signs have been made for trap and five stand.
Debbie Becker read a letter from the Shriners looking for donations. A motion to donate $250.00 to the Shriners was made by Jeff Pope and seconded by Rich Catchpole.
The motion passed by voice vote.
The raffle was won by Randy McDevitt. He won $19.00. He donated it to the Youth Day.
A motion to pay the bills was made by Frank Gray and seconded by Jeff Pope. The motion passed by voice vote.
A motion for adjournment was made by Jeff Pope and seconded by Rich Catchpole. The motion passed by voice vote.
Minutes submitted by: Geff Spiering
Vandergrift Sportsmen’s Association, Inc.
April 9, 2024
The monthly meeting was held on Tuesday, April 9, 2024, at 7:00 PM, presided over by President Jim Waltenbaugh There were 23 members present. The meeting opened with the “Pledge of Allegiance.” The minutes from the March meeting were passed out to all members present. A motion to accept the minutes as read was made by Jeff Pope and seconded by Frank Gray. The motion was passed by voice vote. The treasure’s report was passed out to all members present. A motion to accept the treasurer’s report as read was made by Frank Gray and seconded by Bob Matteo The motion passed by voice vote.
No Report
Larry Laruenti replaced the motion detector on the front club house door.
Francis Gray had a new dusk to dawn light installed on the rifle range building so it l will ight up the parking lot.
No Report
Terry Huth, Ray Huth, Richard Catchpole, and Butch Schreckengost –
Rich Catchpole stated he painted the gong at the 100 yard range, and still needs to paint one more target frame.
Larry Laurenti stated that he and a club member started to do some work on the woods part of the archery range.
Steve Milici stated there was an opening balance of $xxxxx. There were 60 lines shot. The income was $xxxxx Expenses were $0.00. That leaves an ending balance of $xxxxx
Steve also stated that he purchased three stools for the trap range club house.
Jim Troiano reported a balance of $xxxxx. Expenses were $ 0.00. There were no lines shot. The income was $0.00 Jim also reported that he turned over $0.00 to the treasure. Leaving an ending balance $xxxxx
Frank Gray stated that Lee Caporali is going to help with Youth Day.
Frank also stated that the forms for Youth Day will be put on the website on June 1st.
No Report
No Report
Jim Troiano stated that a club member said he would like to see yardage marks put on the pistols ranges.
Adam Karglitiz would like to see the cement archery yardage range markers painted.
Larry Laurenti stated there will be a Hunters Education class held on June 15, 2024.
Larry also stated that he has a form printed up for club members to use to get reimbursed for their purchases.
The raffle was won by Ron Henry. He won $xxxxx. He donated it to the building project.
A motion to pay the bills was made by Frank Gray and seconded by Ray Huth The motion passed by voice vote.
A motion for adjournment was made by Jeff Pope and seconded by Ray Huth. The motion passed by voice vote.
Minutes submitted by: Geff Spiering