The five stand is open every Wednesday from April to October, weather permitting.
Hours are from 4:00 P.M. until ? We have flood lights so the dark is not a problem.
There are 8 different trap houses for a variety of challenging targets.
We can throw singles, report pairs or true pairs, depending on what the shooter likes.
Members and non-members are all welcome.
The cost is $5.00 per round of 25 clay targets.
For more information please call
Jim Troiano at 724-681-7059
- These range facilities are maintained for the exclusive use of club members and to a limited extent, occasional guests.
- Shooting hours will be limited to 10:00 A.M. until sunset, Monday through Saturday. Sunday hours are restricted, 12:00 Noon until sunset. See 5 Stand range for controlled Wednesday night shoots.
- Shotguns using shot only.
- Use of ear plugs, muffs, other hearing protection is required. This is especially critical when children or inexperienced persons are in the area of the firing line. Where questionable judgement by anyone is observed shooters should offer adequate warning of the damaging effect muzzle blast. Since mandatory regulation cannot be enforced, the Club cannot accept responsibility for claims of this nature. No unsupervised children allowed. However, no children under the age of 8 shall be permitted in the range area.
- Each member shall be responsible for “policing of brass”, cartridge boxes, targets, and all other rubbish.
- Each member shall be responsible for ensuring their own, as well as any guests’ safety and compliance with posted target and range rules.
- As provided by the conditions outlined in Article XIII of the Club’s Constitution and By-Laws failure of any member to comply with or help in the enforcement of Range Rules will result in expulsion from the Club.
- Use of cans, bottles, and or other objects for targets, will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
- Firing at any animals, domestic or wild, which may appear in the range area is forbidden.
- All loaded guns must be kept muzzle pointed down range toward targets at all times. Breeches on all firearms (where possible) are to be open or broken at all times, except when shooting.
- No single projectile loads are allowed to be fired on the range.
- Absolutely no fully automatic weapons allowed on the ranges.
- All alcoholic beverages are prohibited on CLUB property. Anyone under the influence of any intoxicating substance is forbidden to use any firing range.