Shotgun patterning can be done at the pistol range facilities where there is a backstop placed at 25 yards for shotgun patterning. Please do not use shotguns on the pistol range backstops.
These range facilities are maintained for the exclusive use of club members and to a limited extent, occasional guests.
Shooting hours will be limited to 10:00 A.M. until sunset, Monday through Saturday. Sunday hours are restricted, 12:00 Noon until sunset.
Only shells containing shot can be fired at the pattern board. No rifled slugs allowed.
Each member shall be responsible for “policing of brass”, cartridge boxes, targets, and all other rubbish.
Junior members under 16 years must be accompanied by a parent , legal guardian or responsible adult. Adequate precaution must be taken to insure the supervision and safety of any additional younger children in the range area.However, no children under the age of 8 shall be permitted in the range area.
Any type of paper or cardboard target, commercial or homemade, which can be temporarily attached to the target carrier board, may be used. It shall be each shooters responsibility to remove their targets before leaving the range. This one simple act can be a major contribution to improving the appearance of the range and grounds.
Use of cans, bottles, or other objects for targets, will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
Deliberate firing at the target carrier frames or targets placed on or outside the target area, shall be grounds for expulsion from the Club and loss of all membership privileges.
Firing at any wildlife, domestic or wild, which may appear in the range area is forbidden.
All loaded guns must be kept muzzle pointed down range toward targets at all times. Breeches on all firearms are to be open or broken at all times except when shooting.
As provided by the conditions outlined in Article XIII of the Club’s Constitution and By-Laws failure of any member to comply with or help in the enforcement of Range Rules will result in expulsion from the Club.
All alcoholic beverages are prohibited on all ranges. Anyone under the influence of any intoxicating substance is forbidden to use any firing range.