Revised January 2022
The name of this organization shall be:
a non-profit corporation.
The objective of this club is to promote, aid, and encourage non-partisan policies and legislation looking to the conservation of our natural resources of game, fish, and streams; to maintain shooting ranges; provide social activities, and promote good fellowship and a higher standard of ethics among sportsmen.
There shall be two classes of membership:
Any person who is an American Citizen and eligible to buy a hunting or fishing license, may become a member upon payment of fees in the manner prescribed in the constitution, and subject to the following regulations: Any new application for membership must be brought up on the floor during a regular monthly meeting for acceptance or rejection, and if accepted, the new applicant must belong to the Club for ninety days before election voting rights are gained to be eligible to vote in an election for Club officers and directors.
Any person, eligible under section B, who, by reason of extraordinary service to the Club, distinguished devotion to the cause of true sportsmanship, or whose notable achievements in other directions merit our recognition, may be made an Honorary Member and shall be exempt from dues.
Each member of the club shall be entitled to a Certificate of Membership. Each membership certificate shall have on the face the words, NON-PROFIT CORPORATION. The annual dues shall be determined by action of the Club at the regular annual meeting. Membership dues shall be payable in advance and terminating on December 31 each year. Any member who allows their dues to lapse after December 31 each year shall become an inactive member.
Membership has been established at 700 active members, not including junior members. Inactive members can rejoin the club before October 15 of the year they become inactive without paying the initiation fee (when membership has reached 700) those inactive members will be placed on the waiting list in the order in which they request membership. Any member who allows their dues to lapse more than one year from due date, may be reinstated upon payment of the initiation fee and the current dues, subject to the rules and regulations under ARTICLE III above. Each membership received by the Club must be signed by a sponsor of the Club.
The management of the affairs and property of this Corporation shall be vested in its active members and duly elected officers and directors. The Board of Directors shall have the right to prescribe rules and regulations affecting the members of property of the corporation, and shall have the power to temporarily suspend or expel any member of this corporation for violating the by-laws, rules, or regulations of the corporation, or for conduct unbecoming a member.
Regular meetings of the club shall be held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Special meetings may be called by the President, or the Board of Directors.
If the club shall decide, meetings may be suspended during the summer months.
The time and place of the meetings shall be fixed by the officers and directors of the club.
All officers of the club must attend at least 6 meetings per year to hold office.
The President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer shall be elected at the annual meeting in October, and shall hold office for the term of one year, or until their successors are elected. The Chairman of the various, committees shall be appointed by the President.
Two Directors shall be elected to the Board for a term of three years.
Nomination of officers shall be at the regular meeting in September nominations remaining open until election at the October meeting. If a vacancy occurs in the Board of Directors, the vacancy may be filled at a subsequent regular meeting by majority vote of the members present. Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be called by the President, or by special request of one or more members of the Board. A majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Election of all officers shall be by ballot.
PRESIDENT: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Corporation and its Board of Directors, shall appoint such committees as provide by these By-Laws, or otherwise established from time to time, unless otherwise ordered by the Board of Directors, shall be the chief Executive Officer of the Corporation and shall perform as are ordinarily performed by the president of any corporation. The President, in an emergency, may spend up to $3,000.00.
VICE-PRESIDENT: The Vice-president shall perform the duties of the President in his absence or at his request.
SECRETARY: The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the members of the Corporation and the Board of Directors, and shall keep a written record of the same. He shall perform any or all duties as are customary or are required by the by-laws, or as are typically performed by the Secretary of any Corporation and shall make a report to the Board of Directors concerning any of his records or the management of the corporation when so called upon.
TREASURER: The treasurer shall receive all moneys. He shall, in general perform all duties which, by custom, usage, or law, are required by the treasurer of any corporation. The Treasurer shall pay, by check, or draft, upon the funds of the Corporation, all obligations of the Corporation.
DEPOSITORY: The Board of Directors and Treasurer, by mutual consent; shall select at the first meeting of their Board succeeding the annual meeting of the members, a banking institution which shall act as depository of the funds of the Corporation, and such depository shall honor checks or drafts of the Corporation, only when issued in accordance with the provisions of these By-laws.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS: It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to audit the accounts of the Treasurer and report same to the club at the first meeting of each year and transact all business not otherwise provided for. They shall have the power to appoint sub-committees, for any special purpose and to delegate to such sub-committees, for any special purpose and to delegate to such sub-committees, the power and functions of the Board relating thereto. If they so desire, the Board of Directors shall meet before each monthly meeting to pass on any matters pertaining to the organization. If shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to recommend such measures as they deem advisable. The President shall attend the Board of Directors meetings. In the absence of the President and Vice-president, a Director of the club shall chair the meeting. The Board of Directors, in an emergency, may spend up to $5,000.00.
The Board of Directors must be consulted before any of the following activities are undertaken by any Club member.
Buying of materials
Moneys to be spent other than regular monthly bills
No grounds belonging to this organization to be sold for personal gain.
All funds of the club s hall be deposited by the Treasurer or membership officer in the name of the Vandergrift Sportsmen’s Association INC. in such bank as shall meet with the approval of the Board of Directors.
All disbursements of the funds of the Club shall be by check drawn by the Treasurer upon its deposit account after such payments have been ordered paid by the Board of Directors or Club members
The Treasurer shall receive all moneys
The treasurer, President, Vice President and Membership Officer’s names shall be on the bank cards for emergency purposes.
The President shall appoint such committees as may be found necessary and for conducting the affairs of the club. The President of the Club shall be the ex-officio member of all committees.
All shall be carried on by voice. In case of a close vote or a split in the rank and file, any member may call for the parliamentary procedure of a roll call vote. A 2/3 majority of the Club members present may override the decision of the Board of Directors, as long as it does not infringe on the safety rules.
A quorum equals 13 regular members and 2 must be officers.
All leases, Written agreements, and other indentures shall be signed by the President and the Corporation Seal affixed.
The By-laws may be amended by the approval of the membership present at such meeting, provided the proposed amendments have been read at three regularly scheduled meeting of the club.
A member may be permanently expelled from the membership for unsportsmanlike action of any description upon 2/3 majority vote of the members present at a meeting, providing an investigation has been made by the Board of Directors and the offending member notified by letter and has been given an opportunity to defend himself.
Resignation from office shall be made in person or by letter to the Secretary.
The constitution and By-laws were read to the Club members at the April, May and June 1957 meetings. Approved and accepted June 1957. Amendments and additions made as per Article XIII.
Constitution and By-laws up-dated and approved January 1991, January 1998, January 2003, November 14th 2017 and January 2022.
The Constitution and by-Laws were read to the Club members at the November, December and January 2022 meeting and accepted January 2022. Amendment and additions made as per Article XIII. Constitution, and by-Laws up-dated and approved January 2022. By-Laws shall be updated every five (5) years by the Board of Directors.
Upon dissolution of the Club the same being the Vandergrift Sportsmen’s Association, Inc all property and remaining assets will be given to the Pennsylvania Game Commission.