The monthly meeting of the Vandergrift Sportsman’s Association was held on Tuesday February 11, 2024. at 7:00 PM, presided over by President Jim Waltenbaugh. There were 18 members present. The meeting was opened with the “Pledge of Allegiance”. The minutes of the January 14, 2025 meeting were passed out to all members present. A motion to accept the minutes as written was made by Joe Ferguson and seconded by Frank Gray. The motion was passed by voice vote. The treasure’s report was passed out to all members present. A motion to accept the treasure’s report as written was made by Frank Gray and seconded by Joseph Ferguson. The motion was passed by voice vote.
Joseph Ferguson looked into the recent request to lease/sell the mineral rights on club property. Jim Waltenbaugh decided this subject will be discussed at the first officers/directors meeting to be held in April.
Frances Gray Sr. reported on his efforts to have the club parking lot light converted to an LED light. After a brief discussion it was decided that Frances will continue to acquire pricing from West Penn Power for the project. Joseph Ferguson volunteered to check into any requirements from Washington Twp. on the installation of outside parking lot lights.
No Report
Larry Laurenti updated the members on the repair on the entrance gate.
No Report
Larry Laurenti noted that the 3D targets have been removed from the archery range. At this point the archery range is open for use on a limited basis until spring.
There was no activity on the trap range during the month of January
5-Stand Report
5-Stand remains closed for the winter.
Frank Gray has requested the date of August 2, 2025 for our annual Youth Day. He is awaiting approval of that date from the NRA.
Debbie Becker noted that the 2025 membership is currently full at 700 members.
Ron Henry has been working with Jim Lewis on the process for applying for NRA grant money. All suggestions for NRA Grants are to be brought to Ron’s attention.
Review of bills to be paid
Larry Laurenti presented a list of outstanding bills. A motion to pay the bills was made by R.J. Huth & seconded by Terry Huth
The motion passed by voice vote.
The raffle was won by R. J. Hunt. He won $xx.00 and donated it to the club Youth Day account.
A motion for adjournment was made by R.J. Huth, seconded by Terry Huth & passed by voice vote.
Minutes submitted by:
Larry Laurenti