Vandergrift Sportsmen’s Association, Inc.
March 14, 2023The monthly meeting was held on Tuesday, March 14, 2023, at 7:00 PM, presided over by President Jim Waltenbaugh There were 18 members present. The meeting opened with the “Pledge of Allegiance.” The minutes from the February meeting were passed out to all members present. A motion to accept the minutes as read was made by Francis Gray, Sr and seconded by Steve Milcic. The motion was passed by voice vote. The treasure’s report was passed out to all members present. A motion to accept the treasure’s report as read was made by Frank Gray and seconded by Francis Gray, Sr. The motion passed by voice vote.
No Report
Nio Report
Larry Laurenti stated the club needs new homasote for the ranges and he also said that we need a new template for the painted perimeter of the homasote. The club’s fuel tank needs filled up.
Jim Wigle, Jim Waltenbaugh, Richard Catchpole, and Butch Schreckengost –
No Report
Larry Laurenti
No Report
Steve Milicic reported an opening balance of $xxx. Income was $xxx. Expenses were $0.00. That leaves an ending balance of $xxx
Steve reported on the trap club house renovation. The outside is finished. Next, will be the inside wiring, an inspection, and then the interior can be finished.
Jim Troiano reported a balance of $xxx. Weather permitting five stand will open the first week in April.
Frank Gray
Frank stated that he is going to start going over all inventory for youth day. Youth day is currently being planned for August 5, 2023.
Jim Lewis
No Report
Jim Lewis stated the club membership is full, and that there are 14 on the waiting list.
Bob Matteo showed the two new targets for the 100 yard and 200 yard ranges .
Jim Waltenbaugh stated Chris Coniglio wanted to use the club’s ranges when he was home on leave from the service. The membership felt that he can come in with a member and use the ranges and/or he can apply for his own membership.
Neil Jankosky stated that the club will be getting a monthly check from Crown Carrier for the cell tower rental.
Frank Gray stated that the club should send in the NRA money that was collected with the membership renewals.
Dan Barber stated that the club should set a work day. It is scheduled for April 22, 2023.
Bob Matteo stated that there will be outdoor day at the Westmoreland fair grounds on April 15, 2023.
Larry Laurenti stated that the club will hold its Hunter Education class on June 3, 2023.
50/50 RAFFLE
The 50/50 Raffle was won by Dale McMullen he donated his winnings $xx to the club.
Neil Jankosky won a hat.
A motion to pay the bills was made by Frank Gray and seconded by Jim Troiano. The motion passed by voice vote.
A motion for adjournment was made by Steve Milcic and seconded by Francis Gray, Sr.. The motion passed by voice vote.
Minutes submitted by: Geff Spidering