Vandergrift Sportsmen’s Association
March 12, 2024
The monthly meeting was held on Tuesday, March 12, 2024, at 7:00 PM, presided over by President Jim Waltenbaugh There were 23 members present. The meeting opened with the “Pledge of Allegiance.” The minutes from the February meeting were passed out to all members present. A motion to accept the minutes as read was made by Terry Huth and seconded by Francis Gray. The motion was passed by voice vote. The treasure’s report was passed out to all members present. A motion to accept the treasurer’s report as read was made by Frank Gray and seconded by Bob Matteo The motion passed by voice vote.
Neil Jankosky gave an update on mail chimp, He stated it costed $300.00 for training on their program.
Bob Matteo stated the last two target frames have been rebuilt and installed. One of the frames is on the 25 yard range and the second is on the two hundred yard range.
No Report
No Report
Jim Wigle, Jim Waltenbaugh, Richard Catchpole, and Butch Schreckengost –
Rich Catchpole stated that the gong target, at the 100 yard range post, was replaced.
Larry Laurenti stated that there is a group of members that are willing to help repair and maintain the woods archery range.
A motion was made by Ron Henry to purchase new hay bails for the archery range and seconded by Frank Gray. The motion passed by voice vote.
No Report There was an opening balance of $. The income was $. Expenses were $0.00. That leaves an ending balance of $
Jim Troiano reported a balance of $xxxxx. Expenses were $ 0.00. There were no lines shot. The income was $0.00 Jim also reported that he turned over $0.00 to the treasure. Leaving an ending balance $xxxxx
Jim stated five stand will open on April 3, 2024, weather permitting, and that he is still looking for help.
Frank Gray updated the progress on Youth Day.The tent and food have been ordered. He is working on getting the hats. He is still looking for at least one more person to help.
No Report
Debbie Becker stated that the membership is full. Debbie also stated that she created a new membership email. the e-mail is
Larry Laurenti stated that there is a problem with the club’s website. It was down for seven weeks but it is now up and running. It cost $90.00 to get it taken care of.
A motion was made by Larry Larunti to have Shawn take over all the clubs social media at an additional $xxxxx a month. It was seconded by Rich Catchpole. The motion passed by voice vote.
Francis Gray gave an update on the dust to dawn light.
A motion was made by Francis Gray to have a new led light put on the rifle range roof at a cost of $240.00. It was seconded by Larry Laurenti. The motion passed by voice vote.
A motion was made by Bob Matteo to let the gentleman, that rebuilt the target frames, put up an advertisement in the range buildings. It was seconded by Jim Wigle. The motion passed by voice vote.
Niel Jankosky gave an update on the demolition of the old club house. The cost of $xxxxx will include a gravel road, a storage box, the necessary permit, and leveling gravel over the job site.
A motion was made by Bob Matteo to get the demolition and it was seconded by Geff Spiering. The motion passed by voice vote.
The raffle was won by Bob Matteo. He won $21.00. He donated it to the demolition project.
Niel Jankosky won a multi meter.
A motion to pay the bills was made by Frank Gray and seconded by Terry Huth The motion passed by voice vote.
A motion for adjournment was made by Rich Catchpole and seconded by Ray Huth. The motion passed by voice vote.
Minutes submitted by: Geff Spiering